Memorable events in Trash Monkeys history.

John Floyd wrote in the New Times in his "Reverb" section on September 19, 1996:

"Miami punk legends the Eat take it to the stage once again Saturday at Churchill's Hideaway, 5501 NE Second Ave., in Little Haiti. Opening acts for the "old time punk rock" blowout include Morbid Opera, the Trash Monkeys, and Rat Bastard."

This was a big show for us, to play with the famous EAT. We were really greatful for them asking us to play with them. Later on, Mike O'Brien liked the Monkeys so much he joined them.

October 17, 1996

John Floyd's "reverb."

Marky leaves Harry Pussy:

"If you go to hear Harry Pussy next month at Churchill's, where they'll be playing on November 5 with the delightfully oddball Irving Klaw Trio from Olympia, Washington, you'll hear a new man skronking and scraping on-stage. Holy Terrors guitarist Dan Hosker has joined the band, replacing Mark Feehan, who left Harry Pussy a couple of weeks ago to join a recently re-formed Stun Guns. "I had been with [Harry Pussy] for almost three years and I just got kind of tired of it," says Feehan, who had played with HP's Bill Orcutt years ago in the Trash Monkeys. "It was nothing against them, and it wasn't an acrimonious split. I just wanted to do something else."

December 21, 2000: From The New Times regarding us being thrown out of a club in Ft. Lauderdale during the City Link Music Festival.

"Bandwidth: Casualties of rock at the City Link Music Fest By Jeff Stratton"

"City Link's Music Fest is supposed to be a blast. After all, this block party for local bands in Fort Lauderdale's bars-'n'-clubs district is about the best concert the city can count on each year...A pretty simple concept to grasp -- unless you're one of those art-gestapo types who simply hates music. That would seem to sum up Tarpon Bend's manager, Chuck O'Connor, who booted at least two groups off-stage during his venue's so-called "hosting" of the event December 8. The first victims were the Trash Monkeys, originally slated for 10 p.m., who were instructed to perform an hour earlier if they wanted the chance to play at all. But when they did, they received such a poor response from Tarpon Bend's management that the Monkeys bailed about halfway into a planned 13-song performance. "They came up and harassed us after every single song," says guitarist Mark Feehan. "They treated us really bad. We could just tell we were about to get thrown out, and then the manager came over and said, "All right guys -- you're done for the night.'" Feehan acknowledges that Trash Monkeys' abrasive punk wasn't exactly connecting with the apathetic audience but notes the crowd wasn't booing or throwing tomatoes, either. "I'm sure it was busier in there than on a normal Friday night, but all [the management] did was bitch and complain." Evidently soft-rocker Amanda Green met Tarpon Bend's interpretation of the festival's by-laws, because she was allowed to perform without interruption, as was the excellent Britpop-leaning quartet the New Graduates. However, when Fort Lauderdale's quirky, angular (but far from strident or dissonant) trio Neptune B took the stage, Chuck Barris... sorry, O'Connor, decided to turn the Music Fest into The Gong Show once again."

Here's a review of an awesome compilation of 80's S. Fla. punk from the New Times. (Includes Broken Talent and The Trash Monkeys.)

Best Punk-Rock History Lesson Killed by Florida

"I gave you Quaaludes/I held your cock/We spoke in diphthongs/ Clubnite!" Update the drug of choice in this bitter early Eighties anthem from West Palm Beach punkettes Sheer Smegma, and it's clear some things haven't changed in South Florida's nightclub scene. "Clubnite" is just one of dozens of singles released by Floridian punk outfits in the darkest days of the Reagan era, artifacts from a time when looking weird and sounding weirder were solid bets for getting your ass kicked, rather than being a good musical career move. Some mysterious soul over at the La Republica Libertariano de Florida label (don't bother looking for a phone number) has thoughtfully gathered up twenty of these forgotten obscurities, blown the dust from their grooves, and lovingly pressed them up as a bootleg album under the appropriate moniker Killed by Florida. Appropriate because, with the notable exception of the Eat and the Trash Monkeys (whose members can still be found haunting the stage at Churchill's) and Charlie Pickett (last spotted practicing -- ahem -- law), most of the bands compiled here literally have been destroyed by their home state, their members missing in action. But boy did they know how to kick up a racket. Whether you hear the Front's "Immigration Report" as a finely nuanced satire on the Mariel boatlift or as puerile thrashing; whether you hear the Essential's "Turn Off Your Radio" as a trenchant critique of blandness on the FM dial or as an anguished cry for a skilled mental-health professional, it's hard not to want to throw on a battered leather jacket and hit the pit -- at least for old time's sake."

See the "THE ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO FLORIDA PUNK AND HARDCORE:": For the most insane and complete discography of South Florida 80's punk vinyl releases.