Broken Talent 1984

Here's Broken Talent many moons ago. ( trying to be the Beatles here)

 This pic is from our first tour in 1984. The most memorable part of the tour in '84 was our time playing and hanging out with Anti-Scene, seeing JFA, drinking Reunite wine, and getting chased out of Heritage USA, Jim and Tammy Fey's version of disney world. Oh yes, and playing with Generic Death, who were also along with us on the tour. Other notable luminaries on the tour included, Lloyd Johnson and Libby Bentley. Oh yeah, and Brian Douglass Clemmons, who kept us in stitches the whole time. Ha, ha, ha. (I'm still laughing)

This Picture was taken at a friend's house in Durham N.C. the morning before we opened for Tex and the Horse Heads. Verbal Circus also played that night. A very weird evening. We never did hang out with Tex. Although we did do massive amounts of drugs with the rest of the band.

The only other highlights that day was our trip to the Lucky Strike factory. Ask George about that. 

From Top to bottom, the band is:

Marky Awesome: Guitar

Richard "Big Santo" Mallia: Vox   

Kat Holzhauser: Drums

Malcolm Tent: Bass

For tapes of Broken Talent go to Trash American Style.
